Your Water Conservation Can Start From The Kitchen, Thanks To This Nozzle From Waterscience

It is no secret today that water, that most basis necessity and resource, is demanding ever higher effort and attention to ensure everyone gets their fair share of access. The government of India has seen it fit to start a national mission, the Jal Jeevan Mission, which aims to deliver potable piped water to every household in the country by 2024.

Such a massive effort has put the spotlight squarely on the India’s larger cities and towns, which had the ‘privilege’ of this luxury till now. Part of the focus has involved studies on use of water in existing households, and the results have been shocking. Wide variances have been discovered, with wasteful usage among the biggest causes for the disparities. Anything between 30 to 50% of water delivered through the pipeline network is being wasted today. That puts the onus on the end users like us to do what we can to reduce wastage with the rest, without compromising on lifestyle requirements.
This is where Bengaluru-based Waterscience, a company focused on putting cutting edge science, technology and research to work to ensure you get the best quality water possible has another offering now. The offerings from firms like Waterscience matter, because while many innovators have built products, few products actually scale up to reach market, and are as easily available as the Waterscience portfolio, which is being sold on ecommerce sites and its own website today.
The new product from Waterscience is a water saving nozzle. Typically, a water saving nozzle acts like a filter which splits a single, bulbous flow of water into many tiny streams which in turn directs air into the water flow. Due to the introduction of air, water has less space for it to flow so the water effusion is reduced, resulting in water savings.
True to this description, when we tested the AERA WSN-721 water saving nozzle from Waterscience for a month, the results have been good. While the regular nozzle would allow a litre to flow out in about 20 seconds, the Waterscience nozzle was comfortably more efficient as promised, taking twice as much time without compromising on flow quality.
With two flow modes, its high flow mode took almost twice as long to full up a litre, offering close to 50% savings in water use for everyday tasks. The mist-mode, which is the second mode is really useful when you are washing dishes for instance, saving upto 12X on your normal water usage. Changing between modes requires a simple downward tug, when you want to get water at higher volume for instance.
The feedback we have from our user is that at no stage did she feel any issues from the lower flow rate, and the mist mode really saved a lot of water on the earlier single flow nozzle when cleaning dishes.
The nozzle seems versatile enough to work with most taps available in the market in standard 24mm size, though we would advise you to check once. A three year product warranty is long enough to guaranty some sort of ROI too possibly, besides the satisfaction of knowing you have done what you could do to prevent water wastage.
While this is hardly the product that will be sold on an ROI pitch, the truth is that the AERA WSN-721 delivers some real savings that matter way beyond your monthly water bills. Products like these adopted at scale will add up to making a huge difference, and enabling not just existing infrastructure to last longer, but also help high usage households to control usage better.