Praj, Be8 break ground on ‘cereals to biofuels’ plant in Brazil

The plant, which will convert wheat into ethanol, will be the first large-scale refinery in the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul to be producing biofuel with grains. The plant will have an annual production capacity of 220 million liters.

Brazilian ethanol giant Be8 has partnered with Praj, the leading Indian company and global leader in bio-energy, by entering into a license agreement to establish the process, design, and engineering for its first ethanol plant in Passo Fundo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

The plant, which will convert wheat into ethanol, will be the first large-scale refinery in the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul to be producing biofuel with grains. The plant will have an annual production capacity of 220 million liters.

The factory, requiring an investment of approximately R$1 billion, is expected to be operational by 2026.

Praj Industries claims to be India’s most successful company in bio-based technologies, engineering, and modularized solutions, has a global presence. The solution of Praj is noted for its energy efficiency, ensuring a high-quality product at the lowest operating cost, and they bring extensive experience in cereal-based ethanol production.

“This is another very consistent step to guarantee Brazil an innovative investment with the best international know-how for the production of cereal-based ethanol”, celebrated Erasmo Carlos Battistella, President of Be8. “I am very pleased to establish this partnership with Praj and its entire team of experts who, together with Be8 professionals, will reinforce the country’s position as a protagonist in the energy transition,” he said.

“In our pursuit of accelerating the energy transition and decarbonizing mobility, Praj Industries is proud to partner with Be8, a global renewable energy company, to establish a Wheat-Based Low Carbon Ethanol Plant”, said Shishir Joshipura, CEO of Praj. “Together, we embark on a journey towards a circular bioeconomy as a sustainable climate action, that drives innovation and progress”.

In May this year, the Praj Industries announced that it will be supplying technology for Brazilian biofuel company Be8 for its plant in the South American country. The contract then signed was for the Process License, Design, and Engineering of a 1500 MT/day Wheat or Corn to Ethanol Plant by Praj and Be8.

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