RT Electric . an ‘Infinite’ battery and a two seater

The green energy sector is one of the fastest growing sectors in India’s economy today. With new start-ups springing up everyday, the competition here is fierce. One of the interesting ones out there is Hriman Motors, a firm that claims to be well ahead of competition thanks to its battery technology. We spoke to Dr. Rushen Chahal, founder of Hriman Motors, or RT.Electric.

Dr. Rushen Chahal

Dr. Chahal graduated from the University of Pennsylvania and studied at The Wharton School of Business. He has 21 years of experience in Digital Buisness, Product Transformation, Innovation and Content Management.  He is a regular contributor to various media outlets too.

RT.Electric , based out of Noida,  plans to soon release their own electric vehicle, the RT90. The 2 seater will have a battery that would, according to the company’s claims, comfortably last through the car’s life cycle, and the car will be able to travel 200km in a single full charge. That’ two of the biggest challenges faced by the EV category settled in one go. Which brings us to the next big challenge.The lack of charging infrastructure and other performance issues associated with EVs.Dr. Chahal plans to tackle this problem, with his company’s subsidiary project, RT. Energy.

According to Dr. Chahal, the main problems in India when it comes to EVs, are the lack of charging infra and making charging infra run on green power.  Because without a renewable power source or the chargers, the whole purpose of being green is lost.

RT.Energy is the answer to both those problems”- Dr. Chahal

The company plans to use funds garnered from investors and crowdfunding to set up EV charging stations all across India, and run them by using solar power. The kicker though is that these stations will be free to use.

How will they manage this, you say?

Well, RT.energy plans to sell their EV charging stations and power grids to malls, offices etc, where their usage will be necessary for the future. These power grids will also be capable of powering the particular enterprise, and according to company research, will enable the enterprise to save on electricity costs over time. Other options like using advertising etc remain on the table too, of course.

If all goes according to plan for RT.Energy, then it would revolutionize the EV sector in India.

That’s the beauty of the deal”, says Dr. Chahal

We also spoke with Girish Gunjan, Project Head at RT.Electric.

Echoing his boss, Girish also agreed that the major problems in purchasing EVs in India, are the lack of charging infrastructure and cost of charging. Girish shared certain statistics with us to make his point, to build a case for their work.

“In India, at any point in time today, there are over 200 million cars registered and on the road. A significant share of all pollution-causing emissions is released by diesel/petrol consuming vehicles.”

“More than half of people unwilling to purchase EVs cite a lack of charging infrastructure as the main deterrent”

At a time when a city like Delhi wears the dubious distinction of being a leader in pollution, with 14 of the top 20 in India, one certainly hopes that RT.Electric achieves its goals.


Copyright: iamrenew.com

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