Satya Tripathi and his push for big changes

Satya Tripathi, the Chairperson of the Sustainable India Finance Facility (SIFF), is interested only in scale. As the Chairperson of the SIFF, a special venture created by United Nations (UN) Environment, World Agroforestry Centre, and BNP Paribas that looks at tackling sustainability issues at scale, Tripathi certainly has the record to back it.

Fresh from a massive,  and potentially paradigm changing collaboration with the Andhra Pradesh government, wherein SIFF and its partners will seek to help the states 8 million plus farmers shift to what is called  Zero Budget Natural Farming (ZBNF) in toto by 2024.  The project envisages a Rs 16,000 crore investment to make the change happen.  The move, if successful, will start to show results well before 2024, as neighbouring states catch on to the promised benefits of ZBNF.

Before this, as the Secretary of the tropical Landscapes Finance Facility, ( a version of SIFF for Indonesia) he has already demonstrated success in the investment and execution of a $350 million project to grow palm oil trees sustainably in Indonesia, in an area bigger than Singapore.

A staunch votary of using private finance for the public good, for Tripathi, the time for talk is over, its time for action. Hear it in his own words, when we met him at the Massive Summit in New Delhi on June 6.

Iamrenew in conversation with Mr. Satya Tripathi.

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Prasanna Singh

Prasanna Singh is the founder at IamRenew

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